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Our Story

My 'Short' Story...

Hi, I’m Tanya.


I'm a Psychotherapist with over 13 years experience, working as a Dramatherapist and Clinical Lead in both the UK and Australia in well-known organisations. When I first read about dramatherapy, and realised there was a profession where I could combine my love of drama and creativity with my passion for understanding and supporting human connection and growth. It was my ‘Aha!’ moment.


At the time, there were no Master’s programs available in Australia, so I uprooted my life and moved across the world to Cambridge in order to gain my Master’s degree and train in the UK. I then worked in the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) for ten years, focusing on child and adolescent / adult mental health and out of home care / adoption breakdown support. Upon returning to Australia, I was the Clinical Lead for Victoria in the psycho-oncology space providing specialist support to young people and parents impacted by cancer.


I am passionate about meeting people where they are ‘at’ and creating a safe place for exploration and growth. I strongly believe in empowering clients to discover and develop their own voice and agency in their life. I do not adhere to the notion of ‘fixing’ people and rather want to embrace our differences and celebrate our strengths. I think that everyone has a story to tell and love the way that arts therapies can help people to discover those stories in a way that talking therapies sometimes cannot. Stories and play can help us rediscover lost parts of ourselves and allow us the freedom to imagine that things can look different to how they do now.


Over the past 13 years I have worked with clients aged from 4 to 70 as dramatherapy sessions can be adapted to suit anyone and everyone. I have experience working with individuals, groups and families as well as parent child dyads. I have specific expertise working with children and young people with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD) as well as neurodiversity including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). I also have extensive experience working with moderate and severe mental health issues including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorder and survivors of significant trauma.


I’m looking forward to introducing Dramatherapy to the Mornington Peninsula.

  • Master of Dramatherapy, UK

  • Bachelor of Performing Arts

  • Professional Clinical Member of PACFA

  • Professional Clinical Member of ANZACATA


  • Neurodiversity and conduct disorders                       (ADHD, ASD, ODD, Conduct disorder)

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Attachment

  • Trauma

  • Grief and loss, bereavement

  • Emotional regulation

  • Personality disorders

Let’s Work Together

Please reach out so we can start working together.

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